Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thank You

Thank you Lesley, Al and Cathi for such kind words. I got the card and book today and it means a lot to know there are so many pet lovers out there.

This has been a really tough week, so I appreciate all of the support.

The other kitties are all a bit confused. They seem a tad aimless, not knowing quite what to do. Truman ran a pretty tight ship and they all knew what order they could eat and who could sleep where. So, we'll see what happens with the pecking order.

The exception is Molly. Of course. She's outside looking for a new hole in the fence so she can escape again. She's relentless. I'm still proud though.

1 comment:

  1. Molly sounds like a true free spirit. :)

    I know the house is a little quiter these days, but if I know cats, that'll only last as long as it takes for two to start vying for top position. Then it's back to "normal." ;)
