Wednesday, August 3, 2011

All Roads Lead to Hamilton

Happy Anniversary Hamilton!

Two years ago Missie and I were travelling merrily around New York and Ontario, never knowing that we would have a revelation on our journey.

It's simple. All roads lead to Hamilton. We got lost three times and each time we ended up in Hamilton. We discovered, thanks to a helpful tourism lady, that Hamilton is omnipresent. Who knew?

Coming back to the relative Hamilton-less-ness of Cheyenne, I discovered that I drive by Hamilton street every day on the way to work. And there are actual people named Hamilton. So, it was a very easy decision to name my new furry feline "Hamilton."

I had agreed to adopt the 10-year-old siamese cat with long hair and crossed blue eyes before I left. It was an easy decision once I consulted the little boys. They didn't mind as long as I wasn't trading one of my current crew.

Dr. Parks told me about him. His owner had died and the people that were taking care of the estate didn't want to deal with an old diabetic cat. Since diabetes was one cat disease I hadn't dealt with, I said, "Sure, why not?" She kept him while I was on my walk-a-bout. (Well, it was more of a drive-about.) I picked him after I got back.

Hamilton has been omnipresent ever since. He sits on my lap when I'm on the computer. Sits on my chair when I'm watching TV, and has even started sleeping across the top of my pillow. What's even more omnipresent about Hamilton is his hair. It literally IS everywhere!

We've adjusted to the twice daily insulin shots and as long as he has a full bowl of cat food, he's happy. He gets along well with all of the other family members and likes to sit in the backyard under a bush.

There's nothing that will make me smile quicker than seeing him with water droplets on his nose (he's a messy drinker) looking up at me with those crossed blue eyes.

My Hamilton has been a very wonderful omnipresent addition to my little family.