Thursday, July 21, 2011

Barclee - the invisible cat

Most people don't know Barclee, have never seen her and doubt she actually exists. I even have a hard time finding pictures of her because she rarely leaves the bedroom and doesn't do all those cute things like Molly.

She's extraordinarily low-key even for a feline. Until today, she made her mark. Unfortunately, it was on Ranel's hand.

I thought cornering her to force her into a cat carrier for her yearly vet appointment was a great idea, until she actually got cornered behind the washing machine. When I jabbed her with my crutch, she reacted by hurling at Ranel, biting her hand.

Good plan which went slightly awry. I'm really sorry Ranel!! When Missie helped with Hamilton, she only got peed on. Normally, Barclee gets in under the bed and is pretty hard to dislodge, which is why I came up with a new plan for this year. I must amend the plan for next year obviously.

Barclee was one of Spott's kittens that I got from my sister's ranch. She has always been incredibly shy and when I had would-be adopters come look at the kittens, I couldn't ever find her. I ended up keeping her by default. She was pretty despondent after Spott died last summer, but she really loves Molly and Dickens and so has come out of her depression.

Barclee is pretty close to bottom of the cat pecking order except in one area. She rules the bedroom. Of course, she practically lives in there 24/7, so she must have squatter's rights. She does determine who can come in, and who sleeps on the bed. Barclee has a very limited sphere of influence, but what she has, she rules with an iron paw. Only recently has she allowed Molly and Hamilton entrance into the inner circle.

So Barclee stepped up to the plate and made sure we knew she wasn't invisible this year! I wish she'd have chosen something a bit less stressful like peeing on clean laundry or something.