Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Dickens & Hamilton

August was a big month for birthdays/anniversaries. Dickens turned 18 and Hamilton celebrated his first year in this crazy household.

I got Dickens as a kitten from the pound. He IS named after Charles Dickens, although I've always joked he was a "little dickens."

Dickens is suffering from kidney disease, but he's doing pretty darn good. In fact, he routinely steals food from the little boys. He growls as he sits on the carpeting eating it, and then he promptly throws it up. But hey, he's 18 so whatever makes you happy. (By the way, I'm not exactly sure of the equivalent, but he's got to be in his 90s human-wise.)

I took in Hamilton last year. His owner had died and the people taking care of the estate brought him into the Cat Clinic to have him put to sleep. Of course, they couldn't do that and promptly asked me if I'd like to take another "special needs" cat. He was 10 and diabetic. Pretty unadoptable in other words. I asked Jack and Will if they liked him, and at first they were hesitant because they thought I was going to trade one of the existing cats. When I said, NO, it would be an additional cat, they were both like, "Ok, whatever."

I picked him up after Missie and I took a trip to Canada. We got lost in Hamilton, Ontario several times and were subsequently told by a visitor center lady that Hamilton is "omnipresent." So, when I got home and picked up my baby, Hamilton was the obvious name. And he IS omnipresent. Or at least his hair is!

We've had some ups and downs as I've learned all about diabetes, but right now he's thriving. He loves sitting in the back yard - hanging out on the deck or under a bush. He's also a BIG baby. He sits on my lap and just drooooooools all over. And over. He's been a good addition!

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