Tuesday, August 3, 2010

More bad news

I got more bad news today.

I'm leaving for a trip tomorrow and was taking Hamilton in to be boarded. I just won't make my cat sitters deal with giving him his shots twice a day.

Truman's still not eating so I decided to take him along with to the vet, just so I could see there was nothing wrong and so Mandy and Dani wouldn't have to worry.

Unfortunately, he's lost 3 pounds and Dr. Randall could tell right away he's extremely jaundiced - signs of liver failure. To say I was crushed is an understatement. And I picked up Spott's ashes, so it was a tough ride home. Two cats seriously ill in this short of period is just too much. (Well, I should say 2 new cats ill - Dickens and Bridgette still have issues too.)

But, if there is a positive, he's in good hands and at least I took him in before I left.

On a positive note, Hamilton's blood sugar is perfect - he's just got an attitude. And Molly got out of the yard again. She's a pill.

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