Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Tail of Ring Worm Cat

I'm still waiting for my Ring Worm cat to actually get over her case of ring worm.

I've never actually waited for a pet before. Usually, they either just move in with me, or I get a call from the Cat Clinic saying they have a special needs cat with my name written all over it. Suddenly, there's a new member of the family. The other cats are all ticked for awhile and then we all are one big happy, even furrier family.

I'm really glad I didn't take her immediately, knowing now that she really did have ring worm. From what I've read, it's a pain to try and get rid of, especially in a multi-cat household. So, another cat disease I can check off my bucket list.

What's funny is I've only seen her that one day although the cat rescue lady Angela sent me a great picture. You can see she has tons of attitude, which I love. That's what attracted me right off. And the fact she's a little homely.

I've named her Sunny after one of my favorite shows It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. They had a great episode about a junk yard cat. Driving 18 cats with ring worm across state lines is something the Sunny crew would do! Also, Mac's mom has a very gravelly voice and that's exactly what Sunny sounds like too.

I'm getting a bit tired of waiting, but I'm sure that Angela is getting tired of fostering her for me as well. So the sooner she gets rid of that darn ring worm, the better.

My brother-in-law Mike asked me what's wrong with her - I just don't take normal cats. They're usually missing a limb or something. But even though Sunny has all her legs, isn't diabetic or blind or something, I think she deserves a new home.

And after the very difficult summer I had, this has really given me something to smile about.

I can hardly wait.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Rescue Mission Part Deux

I've had a big smile on my face all week. The last several months have been dismal in my little cat world and try as I might, I hadn't been able to get over the loss of Truman and Spott.

Then 18 cats stepped in and reminded me that I do have a role in the world - a person who saves the world one cat at a time (like my Mutts shirt says.) Or like the story of the kid who would throw beached starfish back into the ocean. No, he couldn't save them all, but he said, "I made a difference for this one."

That's what I did for Spott & Truman and I'd forgotten that for awhile.

So, I was sitting in the van in Boulder hanging with 18 cats while Missie was dealing with an iPod issue. I called my trusty vet and asked what I needed to do to make sure I didn't catch ringworm and spread it to my family. She said, to wash my hands, strip, burn your clothes, the van, .... well not really, but almost. Apparently it IS very contagious and the spores can travel in clothes or fibers. And, it's notoriously hard to get rid of.

I told her that one little cat had caught my eye. She said, "DO NOT TAKE A RINGWORM CAT." In fact, she might have said it 15 times, but I was looking at Little Cat the whole time, replying, but she's sooooo cute. Dr. Randall said there are cats around every corner looking to get rescued, don't take a ringworm cat.

"Well, I heard there's a 3-legged cat," I said. She told me emphatically to take 3-legged cat, but not Ringworm Cat.

Hmmm, I'll have to ponder...

I pondered as far as Loveland where we passed the cats along to Angela. Missie and I debated taking Little Cat at that moment, but I had no way to keep her separated from the others while waiting to see if she actually had ringworm or not. So, a clearer head prevailed and I didn't take her.

That night, I had another cat dream. I knew when the right cat needed me, she would find me, just like all my cats have. Little Cat found me.

So, I emailed Angela and told her I'd take Little Cat once the threat of Ringworm was gone.

I'm sooooo happy.

You can clearly see her in the 2-toned carrier on the left! :)