Saturday, July 24, 2010

Hell on 3 Legs

Once again Mike and Anna had to come over and fix the cat fence. The fence is a series of brackets and netting on top of the fence to keep a cat from going over. But one keeps doing just that.

Molly. The 3-legged cat!!!

She's like a velociraptor - continuously circling the fence, looking for weaknesses. She obviously found another one since I discovered her in the front yard again on Thursday.

In her defense, she doesn't always go over the fence. She's also gone under more than once. Yes - she digs relentlessly and the fence has bricks around the bottom to block Molly Holes. She got pretty angry when Anna blocked the last one. She pawed at the brick, and then came over to me and cussed me out in cat language.

I guess I should take it personally that she's working so hard to get out, but secretly, I'm just proud. She has no idea that she's one of my "special-needs" cats.


  1. Our dog once moved a 5-pound rock to get under our fence and then proceeded to visit the junior high school, (phone message--Shadow's here), Home Depot (phone message--Shadow's here), and last but not least a jewelry story in the mall (phone message--Shadow's here). At least after the jewelry store called they kept her until I could go pick her up. She was sleeping peacefully behind the counter. Maybe Molly is part antelope. Or....maybe she just wants to do a bit of visiting and shopping. :-)

  2. My vet said she'd never heard of a 3-legged cat digging out before! She also caught a bird last summer.

    I think maybe she DOES want to go visiting - or travelling. I think she'd like to see the world.

    I think she does most of her shopping online...
