Friday, July 12, 2013

Luna's Special!

Luna's always been special - she just didn't think so. That's because she was the healthy cat in a household of special needs cats. She didn't fit in and the rest of the cats excluded her, making her an outcast in her own home.

If only she had a disease so she could be special too...

Turns out, she had one the whole time!

I'd noticed several times her right eye draining, and sometimes it would get pink and even swell shut. I'd make a vet appointment but every time it would clear up before the visit - so I'd cancel. For the past couple months though, the eye wasn't getting better. It continued to drain and be all squinty (that's a technical term) and  she didn't like to be touched on her head. This time, we're going in.

Turns out, she has feline herpes. It gives her what amounts to pink eye. She most likely picked it up when she was in the shelter before I even adopted her. It comes back every now and then, especially during times of stress.

So, now I get to give her eye drops and try to provide her a stress-free environment! Easier said than done in a multi-cat household. Oddly enough, she IS getting along with the others and it seems she has a new found respect! She is indeed special!

As for me - I am learning about a new cat disease!

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