Monday, February 28, 2011

Tuukka - Input and Output

It seems I spend a good part of my time monitoring the input and output of the feline family. To an outside observer, this would seem boring watching the cats eat and just gross observing the litter box behaviour.

But with pets, this is one of the keys to figuring out if someone is sick. Right now, 4 of the 6 have some major health issues and I have to make sure they're eating, how much they're eating and then ensure it comes out correctly on the other side.

Tuukka has been my latest worry. The guy eats a ton. I feed the cats canned cat food twice a day. This started off to be strictly for Dickens (he's 18 and I need to make sure he gets something without the others pushing him away) and for Hamilton who is diabetic. But it's impossible for me to feed the premier food without all of them, so Bridgette, Barclee and now Tuukka line up in the chow line. (Molly will not eat canned food for some reason. She goes her own way as always.)

Back to Tuukka. Initially, I gave him the same couple of tablespoon-sized serving I gave the others. By the time I had the last bowl down, he'd already finished, pushed Dickens aside to eat his and was moving on to Hamilton's. I kept increasing his portions until now he gets almost a full can a day. He STILL will shove the others aside, so I sit there watching to make sure everyone gets a few bites in before he moves in.

What's worried me is he's now lost weight. I took him in to the new vet and found he had only lost 1/3 of a pound. It seemed like a lot more. It could be he's getting more exercise now, and isn't just sitting around eating. But I'm worried that it's a sign of bigger troubles. During this time, he also lost his soft, luxurious under coat. He's no longer soft and fluffy.

So, I've been reading all the cat vet sites I can find to figure out what those 2 things could be and have come up with nothing. It seems it could be the first sign of his kitty AIDS, but he doesn't have any sores or swelling in the lymph nodes. His personality is still friendly and outgoing too.

And his output? Let's just say he's very dedicated and busy in this area. All good.

In the meantime, I'll keep my eye on him and continue to hang with everyone during dinner time. There are worse ways to spend 10 minutes.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe Tuukka lost his undercoat because he knows spring is around the corner and he's slimmed down because he's working out to look good for all the felines while he's lounging out under a catnip plant.
