Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Struggle for Supremacy

The battle for the job of Top Cat continues.

With the loss of Truman, a huge vacuum in leadership emerged.

I knew Truman was in charge, but didn't realize to what extent. He determined where everyone slept, their proper place on the bed (or if they were allowed on the bed); who ate in what order (he ate first and sampled everyone's to determine which bowl he'd start with); who got to sit on my lap (virtually no one) and I believe, even which litter box they were allowed to use.

Now I have a bit of chaos on my hands. What's clear is that nothing is clear. No favorites have emerged, but here's how I think they stand:

Dickens - no chance. He's 18 and as long as he can sleep in the corner of the bed, he's happy.

Molly - actually, I don't think Molly's even noticed a change. She's outside and takes little interest in the politics of the inner-household.

Hamilton - the new guy on the block. He's been battling, but is at a disadvantage not having front claws. This has been hurting him in the "tough guy" department. Also he drools a lot which I think would be embarrassing in cat world.

Barclee - although few people have seen her and has been nicknamed "Figment" by friends and family, she's the early favorite. She's getting pretty bossy at opportune times like dinner and bed time. Also, I'm pretty sure it was her claw I found in Hamilton's head. She has a soft spot for Molly though, and that weakness could be her undoing.

Bridgette - she's the dark horse. Now that she's feeling better, I think she'll step it up a little more. I think she was Truman's 2nd in command before the nose situation got the better of her. Plus, she doesn't really care if the other cats like her - and is not really being friendly with any of them. A true leader in other words. And I have seen her club the other cats in the head if they were encroaching on her Cindy time. IN other words, she's not afraid to mix it up.

Stay tuned. Cat hierarchy is much more complicated than dog world, and it'll be interesting to see how it plays out over the next several months. Place your bets...


  1. I'm placing my bet on Molly. I think she's going to chase a few squirrels while she lets the others battle it out until they're all mentally and physically exhausted. Then she's going to waltz in, tail twitching, head held high, sniff the air, and proclaim herself Queen. And if there's a coup later and she's ousted, she will have already scoped out her escape route.

  2. Don't discount droolers. Ori is a drooler and reigns over my house.
